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photo: Ron Magielse

24/09/2016 – 30/10/2016
Atlas Residency was part of photofestival BredaPhoto. During the 4 weeks working period the participants got inspired by i.a. Marga Rottenveel, Bojana Panevska, Olivier van Breugel and Danny Veys.
Chantal van Rijt, KASK, Gent (BE)
Jenny Bewer, FH, Bielefeld (DE)
Vivian Bax, KABK, Den Haag (NL)
Heleen Seys, Sint Lukas, Brussel (BE)
Jeroen Bocken, KASK, Antwerpen (BE)
Jesse Huiskamp, AKV|St.Joost, Breda (NL)
Matthijs van der Burgt, Luca Arts campus Narafi, Brussel (BE
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